In globalization era nowadays, industrialism and the grow of economic has so many positive and negative impact in our society. For that statement, the damaging of environment causes from industrialism activity and also from people its self.
I will explain my opinion and argument one by one. First, from industrialism aspect, many activity from factory produce waste that has bad impact in environment. The example is air pollution from factory smoke, water pollution from waste that discharged in to the river without any purification process and also ground pollution from waste that contain chemical compound that damaging the structure of soil. From mining activity also can cause the damaging in environment like waste problem, damaging the forest, damaging in ecosystem of flora and fauna, and also threat for endemic of any plant and animal that protect by government.
Second, from individual peoples it self. Some of people care with the environment and do every thing to save the earth from any damaging. But some of people still lack of awareness to the environment and don't care about environment around they. Example is the problem of household waste that some people still littering any place example in river. Another is people because need money for their income they do an activity that forbidden like deforest, fishing using bomb, and much more.
Third is, to save our earth its needed our awareness off all people to do everything that can save our earth. We must change our mind set that earth is ours together and we must save and care with our environment. Many way to solve this problem. We can make a community that care with environment to save our earth, encourage every individuals to join with every agenda like reforestation, clean the river, and much more. Beside that government must firmly of all form of abuse activities that threat sustainability our environment. Every waste from factory and also mining activity must in purification process first before throw it on the environment. Government should down or close every factory and mines that no have license and also do not obey with any rules and regulation that have been enacted. Government and also society must have awareness for using environmentally friendly product, recycle inorganic garbage and also develop the technology for reduce pollution in air, water and ground.
The last is for summary all of my opinions and arguments above, all aspect that causes damaging in our environment is from human activity. From individually its self and also from factory and mines activity as the result of globalization era. To solve this problem need all participation from every individually to save our earth with increasing awareness with how important our environment as place in where we all life by using environmentally friendly product, and do the activity without produce waste that causes damaging of our environment. From government side also must brave and firm to punish every people or company that violate the rules and causes the damaging of our environment in every aspect.
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