Sunday, October 26, 2014

Army of Indonesia

Now, I want to share to all of you about my experiences when I join selection in Indonesia Presidential Scholarship (IPS) 2014 batch 1.
Participant who join in this scholarship not only from civilians but also from military. Can you imagine in the firs time we meet each other ?? its like we have big gap from civilians and military, I give you an example like they always using uniform cloth (PDH) and me as civilians only us ordinary cloth. But, in reality they very kindly and so friendly to us. For me, I take so much lesson from them. Now I know if be a army force it is not easy. They must leave  they family at least a year if have mission in conflict area like in Aceh, Paupa and Timor-Timor. Some of them tell to me that they like have so big mistakes in their life to their wife because from the firstly their wife pregnant and until they baby born they never see and accompany their wife for at least accompany to check up in Hospital.  But, as soldier their must do every  mission that country gave to them, they already promise to sacrifice their soul and body for keep in peace this Nation.
In addition, every sacrifice that soldier give to this country its not balance with our reinforcement, armament and weapon that Indonesia have. So if our military do their mission in war conflict, or in one time this country in war condition it will like suicide in war. With large of this country and also separate with 5 big island its hard for our military to keep our nation. On the other hand, if any weaknesses also have the advantage, Indonesia can save any armament in every and hidden place so enemy cannot detect in where we save our armament. Comparatively from Singapore country, with small country Singapore must loan place to another country for take place their armament. Another factor that make other country must think twice before attack Indonesia is Indonesia has a big four population in this word. From historically also our heroes has big spirit and never fear with die, they have militancy soul and brave to fight with enemy even only using bamboo vs machine gun. Other country respect with this historically and also assume that people of Indonesia is never give up and have brave to keep their nation. Another factor is with large of Indonesian country make enemy must spend much money and armament to destroy the Indonesia because we separate in 5 big island and its not easy for them because the concentration target from enemy will difficult to lock the main target to attack, but in reality now Indonesia is not balanced in development and growing industry in every island, so because of it enemy only lock the main target like in java island especially in Jakarta and Bandung to cripple our government and economic system.
Another lesson that i learn from military is, about 3 kind of soldier navy, air force and army in Indonesia is not balance. Its because from Soeharto as 2nd president of Indonesia from army, he more focused build on army  military. Now Indonesia have KOPASUS (Special Army with special ability), more armament in army like tank and gun, but what happen with navy and air force ?? especially for navy, to keep our ocean territory our war ship is not enough, we still don't have aircraft carrier, low number of submarine, helicopter patrols and much more. Its also in our air force military, with our largest air territory we only have 8 squadron in which every squadron have only about 15 fighter plan include Sukhoi, F-5, F-15 and other. To keep our air territorial Indonesia needs 18 squadron in minimum. How this not balanced .
Just share to all of you guys. If war the main point for war is every enemy will count how many or how strongest our air force, because to win the war we must win also in air force aspect. In term war today, Its useless if we have war without support from air force military, enemy will easy destroy our tank, bunker, aircraft ship, our fort, our national building, from air with fighter. So in case of now Indonesia really need the advance in technology military especially to grow up our air force military as the key point to guardian our air territorial to keep in peace, to keep every part of this nation from enemy who want occupied our beloved land. That's all  experience that i have been learn from them.

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