Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dreaming about Indonesia

Now i tried to write again in my 2nd post in this blog !!
Look i don't have any idea what must i write in this blog.
But i just think what I can give to my country in future.
As a research student,I think Indonesia has so many object of research in every disciplines knowledge.
Like Indonesia rich for nature resources and also human resources. From nature resources scientist from science disciplines have so many object of research like diverse in flora and fauna in term of biological  and chemistry science, diverse in culture for humaniora science and large of area in Indonesia made Indonesia has the own struggles for  engineering to develop Indonesia be advance country in future.
For me, I am interested with sea, beach, ocean, atmosphere  and anything related on marine chemistry.
I think Indonesia has big potential for developing oceanography science and to be a center of oceanography science in the word. Why I can said like that ? If you see from the map of Indonesia, Indonesia is the marine country and have more then 13000 island. The largest of ocean in Indonesia if we calculated from Sabang-Merauke is more biggest than the largest of island in Indonesia, so Indonesia has so many object of research to develop the oceanography science.
In comparatively with Japan, every ocean area in Japan already covered  by data from research in any related disciplines knowledge like from biological aspect, chemistry aspect, climate aspect, physic aspect and other. So in we can conclude that the development of science in Japan is more better than Indonesia.
But what happen in Indonesia, I don't think so if every single part of this country already covered by research and data, If we have all data in every aspect, government know what will doing for make a good decision base on data of research in that aspect. Indonesia in future i dreamed that all of scientist in Indonesia can make all of area in Indonesia already covered by data from research in every aspect, because one from many indicator to be advance country is, Indonesia must more advance in science and technology because science and technology will support the Building Nationality, communication, and much more.
Especially in marine chemistry i dreamed one day, Indonesia will have own ship laboratory for any disciplines related for to do a research for cover all ocean area in Indonesia by data from research, to inventory island in Indonesia and also given the name for island unnamed to anticipated our island occupied by another country.
Its just my dream, maybe some people who read this article will say I am just person who always dream and my Idea it is really utopias. But for me Nothing is Impossible !!! Indonesia to be advance country !!!

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